Learn Electronics in a Fun and Hands-On Way
A step-by-step guide with simple instructions to get started building electronics
“Because your book was such a great learning tool, I am in the process of making a slot machine. Your book is easy to understand and fun to learn. School is boring, but your book is pure fun for the mind to enjoy.”
Charles Cybulski,
United States
After Reading This eBook You’ll Be Able To:
- Build Your First Circuits – Including Blinking Lights, Touch Sensor, Synthesizer, and More
- Read Circuit Diagrams and Know How to Build Them
- Understand What the Different Components in a Circuit Do
- Solder and Desolder Your Circuits – So You Can Fix Broken Circuits and Move Forward Faster
- Build Your Own Circuits From Schematics You Find in Books or Online

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: How to Make a Light Blink
* What Is A Relay?
* What Is A Capacitor?
Chapter 2: Building Circuits on Breadboards
* What Is A Breadboard?
* How to Connect Components and Wires
* Where to Connect Components
* What Can You Build With a Breadboard?
* Introduction to Schematic Diagrams
* The Schematic Symbols
* Debugging Your Circuit
* Multimeter
* Practical Task: Building a Blinking Light
Chapter 3: Basic Components
* The Switch
* The Resistor
* The Capacitor
* The Diode
* The Light-Emitting Diode
* The Transistor
* The Variable Resistor
* The Light-Dependent Resistor
* The Relay
* The Integrated Circuit
* What is a Datasheet?
Chapter 4: How to Solder
* The Soldering Iron
* Soldering Step-by-Step
* Desoldering
* What Solder Type to Choose
* Boards for Soldering
* Top Mistakes When Soldering
* Practical Task: Building a Touch Sensor
Chapter 5: Circuit Calculations
* Voltage, Current, and Resistance
* Series and Parallel Circuits
* “What goes in, must come out”
* “What goes up, must come down”
Chapter 6: Practice Problems
* Find Resistor Value for LED
* Find Output Voltage
* Find Power Consumption
Chapter 7: Answers to Practice Problems
Chapter 8: Circuits to Build
* Light Sensor
* Flashing LEDs
* Fridge Alarm
* Siren Circuit
* Metronome
* 555 Theremin
* LED Chaser
* Simple Mini Synth
* Atari Punk Console
Getting Components
You can get the component kit for the book from Jameco.com. The eBook also comes with a shopping list if you prefer to get the components from your local store. This makes it super easy to get all the components needed to build all the projects in the book.

About the Author: Øyvind Nydal Dahl

Oyvind has a Master’s degree in Electronics from the University of Oslo. He is the author of Electronics for Kids and the founder of Build Electronic Circuits and Ohmify.
“Since I was a kid trying to learn electronics, I always felt that electronics was taught in a very complicated way. I want to change that, and since 2012 I’ve been working on new ways to teach electronics so that beginners can quickly get up to speed and start building cool things.”
Receive These Bonuses:

*Mini-eBook: «Get Started With Arduino in Less Than a Day»
Arduino is an amazing platform to make advanced stuff quickly. It’s a small board that you can easily program to do what you want. We’ll start off simple by blinking some lights, and move quickly to the more advanced stuff like sending messages between your computer and the Arduino.

*eBook: «Make Your First Printed Circuit Board»
Learn how you can design and create your own printed circuit board (PCB). In this eBook, I’ll show you how to design a simple board and how to get it manufactured professionally for as little as $1 per board. This is one of the most possibility-opening skills in electronics. Learn this skill, and you’ll be ready to build whatever you want.

*Guide: «What’s Inside a USB Mouse?»
In this guide, you will be taken on a journey to explore the inside of a computer mouse. You’ll see the different parts it consists of, and how we can figure out what the different parts do.

*Mini-eBook: «Building Stuff With Ones and Zeroes»
Get started with digital electronics. Learn about 1’s and 0’s. This is an introduction to the world of digital electronics. Learn how computers and other digital electronics are built from scratch.

**eBook: «Supersonic Productivity»
This eBook will teach you some awesome tricks to help you complete electronics projects much, much faster. No more spending months on a project, and then giving up because it seems like it will never be finished. Learn the tricks that enable you to finish projects in record time.

**eBook: «9 Circuits to Improve Your Circuit Building Skills»
9 Circuits is an eBook that will help you become great at building circuits. It contains nine circuit-building challenges you’ll have to overcome. And you’ll get to build things like a game, a homemade musical instrument, and a cookie jar alarm. Projects range from easy to medium and are suitable even for complete beginners.

**Video Tutorial: «How To Build a Super-Simple USB Light»
Learn how to make a simple USB light, that you can customize and turn into a neat-looking lamp or emergency lights. In this tutorial, you will learn step-by-step how to build a USB-powered light that can run off your computer or a power bank. Get hands-on with electronics, learn some practical skills, and have a lot of fun!

**Project Tutorial: «Build Your Own Portable Music Player»
In this guide, you will learn how to design a portable music player. You’ll be guided step-by-step through how to build a proof-of-concept, then how to solder it onto a board and turn it into a proper audio amplifier that works as a fully functional music player.
* This bonus is only available in the «Curious Beginner» and «Dedicated Learner» packages
** This bonus is only available in the «Dedicated Learner» package
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The Dedicated Learner
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- 1 Extra Project Tutorial
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- 2 Extra Project Tutorials w/ Video
The Curious Beginner
- «Getting Started With Electronics» (PDF)
- 3 Extra Mini-eBooks
- 1 Extra Project Tutorial
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This is What People are Saying About the Book
There is only one way to say it, I LOVE this book! This is the book I wish I had when I was a teenager fiddling about with electronics. At the same time, it was definitely a good primer for rebooting my electronics interest.
Lars Fredriksen
I like it. Very easy read for the complete beginner who will be taken from wiring up what is possibly their first circuit on a solderless breadboard right through to being able to solder up circuits for more complex projects. I liked the explanation of components at the end also.
Steve Garrat
United Kingdom
I congratulate you on the excellent way it has been written. At each stage there are very good drawings and circuits along with explanations.I don’t think any student embarking on their first approach into electronics will have any trouble with understanding this.
Kenneth Pallant
United Kingdom
used to struggle with the basics and sometimes the ends didn’t meet. I just could not explain why. But after reading your books «Getting Started With Electronics» and «Creating Cheap Circuit Boards» I was able to lay out the little bricks just in the right place. The voltages and currents became as expected, and things started to work properly. Now I have just created a circuit that is going to be sent into space!
Julio Cesar Torres dos Santos
I am new to electronics and I am really keen to learn, so I am quickly getting up to speed. I first started with MIT online courses and it was theory theory theory. Your book dropped me straight into practice!
Craig W.
United Kingdom
Some of the Things You’ll Learn in This eBook
- How to build things like a touch sensor, a synthesizer, a Theremin, and more
- What the electronic components do – so you get a basic understanding that will eventually help you understand and build whatever you desire
- How to build circuits on a breadboard – so you can quickly create prototypes and test new ideas
- How to read schematics – so you can find circuits in books and online and be able to build them in no time
- How to choose a soldering iron for your needs – so you don’t waste money on crap or something that is “too much” for you
- How to solder and even desolder – so that you can fix broken circuits and move forward faster
- How to build circuits from circuit diagrams you find – so you can “stand on the shoulders of giants” and quickly build amazing things
- How to read schematics – so you can find circuits in books and online and be able to build them in no time
- How to measure and debug – so you can fix errors in a circuit
- How to build circuits on a protoboard – so you can build things that last for years
- Where to get components and tools – so you’ll know where to go for whatever you need
- To get good at building circuits with the practice circuits – so you learn that it’s not that hard and that there’s really no limit to what you can build