
How To Edit Symbol in KiCad

I was recently asked how to edit a symbol in KiCad. The question was actually how to stretch a component that was in the standard library, so I made a quick walk-through on how to do that. You can edit the symbol in the symbol editor. Just right-click on the symbol that you want to

How to Create Gerber Files in KiCad

Gerber files viewn in KiCad's gerbview

Gerber files are actually images of the different layers of your Printed Circuit Board (PCB). And it’s a universal way of sending your design to a PCB manufacturer. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create these files in KiCad.

Gerber files viewed in KiCad's gerbview
Example of two gerber file layers viewed in KiCad

How to use KiCad: A 5-Minute Quickstart Guide

Screenshot of boar from the how to use kicad video

In 2017, I started using KiCad as an alternative to Eagle.

For those unfamiliar with these programs: they are programs you use to design a printed circuit board (PCB).

And I decided to create a quickstart introduction to KiCad.

In this 5-minute video you’ll see how to design a simple circuit board from scratch:

Kicad vs Eagle – Which one is best? [2018 comparison]

A common decision to make for hobbyists and inventors is Kicad vs Eagle.

Both of them are decent programs for designing your own Printed Circuit Boards (PCB).

And both are very popular.

But if you’re just starting out, which one should you choose?

After six months of testing, I am finally ready to give you the result.

Kicad vs Eagle