Here I’ll list useful circuit calculators and conversion resources for electronics.
555 Timer Calculator
Voltage Divider Calculator
Capacitor Value Converter
Resistor Color Code Calculator
(More to come…)
What Calculator Would You Like To See?
If there are any calculators or converters that you’d like to see here, let me know in the comments below.
I want to learn electronics I’m 69 years old and guess what you’re never too old to learn teach me
You’re never too old (or too young) for electronics!
A frequency to antenna length , quarter wave, half wave and full wave would be super handy for those of us who dabble in amateur radio.
Cheers , Brewski
I’m 63 and am excited to learn as well.
77 here so you’re not alone.
I want to learn electronics that’s all thank you
Great =)
I want to learn more about electronic, I am 86 yrs young and never to late to learn more. I think it is good to keep the old “grey cells” active, or, get them rejuvenated a little.
Great to hear, you’re definitely never too old!
It would be nice to see an LED Resistor (Par/Ser) calculator.
Thank you for your efforts
Thanks, I’ll add that soon!
cCHci se naučit elektrpniku
I’m 85 and spent a lifetime in electronics, started dabbling at around age 10 and spent most of my working life in the field. Still dabbling and glad to have a really useful set of calculators which save time and effort. (I guess I’ve grown lazy!)
Thank you for your resource.
I proud of you mr.Bill. I am also 64 years old.
Great website and projects. Teachers of electronics may be interested in looking at our apps for teaching.
You are very geneous teacher of an electronics