
Electronic Kits For Gettings Started In Electronics

Arduino Shield LED Matrix kit

A few years ago, I found myself at a Christmas party building electronic kits with the other guests.

We were all really focused.

Both men and women partaking in the fun.

My business partner at the time had taken the time to design a custom kit for our Christmas party.

We gave one to each guest.

And we made a soldering station where they could build it.

I also built one. Even though I knew well how to design my own circuits, I still got a great feeling when I made my kit work.

What Are Electronic Kits?

Kits are pre-designed electronic circuits that comes with all the necessary components to build it. And usually an instruction of some sort.

To build the kit, you solder the components onto the board with a soldering iron.

The idea is that anyone should be able to solder it. By just following the instructions, you will be able to make something really cool.

Electronic kits come with components and circuit board

What’s So Cool About Them?

Building electronic kits are extremely fun. And because it’s so easy, it enables anyone to build electronics. BBC ran a story back in 2013 on the new maker movement and how anyone could build electronic kits.

The woman from the video had no previous experience. But she bought a kit and followed the instructions. By doing this, she was able to build her own phone charger.

I recommend you to check out the video and look at her face at the end when she makes the circuit work. It is such a great feeling to make something with your own hands that works!

How To Get Kits?

Kits are one of the simplest ways to get started building electronics.

And it’s so fun!

If you haven’t built a kit yet, then just get one and build it right now. A good starting place could be this cute blinking hearth. Or why not try to build this digital clock kit?

Velleman is a long-time player in the electronics kits business and they have a huge selection of kits that you can have a look at.

More Learn Electronics Tutorials

14 thoughts on “Electronic Kits For Gettings Started In Electronics”

  1. Still remember there were 3+ kits shop in Hong Kong in the 70’s-80’s, but they all disappeared due to the decrease of hobbyists. How pityful!

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    • Hi, usually it’s a printed circuit board and the components needed for the board. You need to have a soldering iron and solder.

  2. I would like to build for circuits I have not tried the kits yet. What got me in this Lobby is because financially challenged. So I do more reading did anything but I do have my work area soldering iron near me multimeter that just would like to get more Hands-On but it’s hard for me to even come up with $10 to spend on something

  3. I’m gonna buy one of them elegoo electronics kit off amazon. What I think would be cool is an 8/16 video game console it kit form that you can program your own games for.


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