“What can you build with electronics?”, she asked me…
“Anything!” I said.
She looked at me with a blank stare. Apparently that was not a satisfying reply.
This happened to me a few days ago.
Sometimes I get too deep into electronics that I forget “normal” people don’t necessarily understand what you can do with electronics.
Here is ten things you can build with electronics from the top of my head (drum roll please):

10 Simple Steps to Learn Electronics
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- A blinking light
- Two blinking lights
- Three blink…. Just kidding. But lights that dance to the music
- A little device that automatically sends out your business card over bluetooth to anyone who is in the nearby (yes I made this)
- A WiFi-connected plant pot that tells you when you need to water your plants
- A robot that can fetch you beers
- A quadcopter (also called a drone)
- An automatic cat door
- A coffee machine
- A pinball game
So that’s ten things. It usually helps to do a brainstorm like this when you are looking for a new idea.
And now I have some more things to tell the girl if she asks me again.
To start building electronics, I recommend my eBook «Getting Started With Electronics», which you can get here:
Keep on Soldering!
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I have a final project coming up for my electricity/electronics class and I’m having problems figuring out what I should make. The project has to be something that I can make from scratch but nothing that will take more than 2 weeks to build. Also it needs to be able to function directly on a pcb such as the brain game. Any ideas?