Interview #1 – Elias Bakken: 3D Printer, Coffee, and Mini LCD

Elias BakkenLast week I had the pleasure of interviewing Elias Bakken. He is not only a true master of electronics, he also masters the skill of mechanics. And I have to say I am jealous of his mechanical skills.

He is a good friend of mine and my old partner, so I’ve seen many of the amazing things he has built during his lifetime. We’ve also built quite a few things together.

Some of the things he has built lately are

I wanted to know how he got started in electronics, and as I suspected – it was NOT by studying theory. He jumped right into the practical stuff and started building things from the start. But of course, now he also has a strong theoretical knowledge.

Do you want to jump right in and start building stuff, just like Elias? Check out Ohmify – my online bootcamp for electronics.

Check out the interview below (the video quality isn’t great, but I’ll do better next time)

Some of the things he mentions in the video:

Also check out my old interviews:

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