
Arduino Motor Guide: How to Drive a DC Motor

In this Arduino motor guide, you’ll learn how to drive and control the speed of a DC motor using an Arduino UNO and a TIP120 transistor. In this example, you’ll use a pushbutton to ramp up the motor speed and then slow it down, thanks to the power of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

DC Motor illustration

Materials Needed:

Arduino Motor Circuit

In the following circuit we’ve connected the transistor as a switch to control the DC motor to avoid pulling a lot of current out from the Arduino itself:

Arduino motor schematic
  1. Connect your momentary switch to 5V and GND through a 10-kilohm resistor, with the signal going to digital pin 2 on your Arduino.
  2. Attach the base of your TIP120 transistor to digital pin 9 on the Arduino, the emitter to the Arduino’s ground, and the collector to one lead of your DC motor.
  3. Place a 1N4001 diode across the motor’s leads, ensuring that the striped side is connected to the 9V positive lead.
  4. Power the motor with a 9V battery, connecting the ground to the Arduino’s ground and the positive to the motor.

(Refer to the schematic and breadboard illustrations provided for visual assistance.)

Arduino DC motor connected with a button on a breadboard

Arduino DC Motor Code Example

Below is the example code to control your motor. It’s a simple sketch that reacts to the state of a pushbutton to control the motor’s speed using the TIP120 transistor as a switch.

int buttonPin = 2;       // Button connected to digital pin 2
int motorPin = 9;        // Transistor base connected to digital pin 9

void setup() {
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);       // Initialize button pin as an input
  pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);       // Initialize motor pin as an output

void loop() {
  // Detect button press
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH) {
    // Increase motor speed progressively
    for (int speedLevel = 0; speedLevel <= 255; speedLevel++) {
      analogWrite(motorPin, speedLevel);
      delay(50);  // Wait a bit between speed increases

    // Decrease motor speed progressively
    for (int speedLevel = 255; speedLevel >= 0; speedLevel--) {
      analogWrite(motorPin, speedLevel);
      delay(50);  // Wait a bit between speed decreases

Additional Notes:

  • The Arduino can provide a maximum of 40mA at 5V from its pins. As most motors require more current, the TIP120 transistor acts as a digital switch to control the motor with higher electrical requirements.
  • Ensure that the diode is placed in the correct orientation to prevent back-emf damaging the transistor when the motor turns off.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out in the comments below!

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